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HRM Submissions (other than Regional Plan)

Regional Plan Submissions

In 2023, HRM commissioned background studies for 4 areas that could become Future Serviced Communities in HRM, including Sandy Lake. In April 2024, a draft report of some of the land suitability studies were released for public feedback. Although our Coalition recognizes that more work will be done in order to complete the background studies, we have grave concerns about the results presented in the draft report and the conclusions that are drawn by the consultants. We shared our feedback on the draft LSA report with HRM staff.




To implement our vision of a fully realized, ecologically healthy Regional Park at Sandy Lake and Sackville River, we need changes to the Regional Municipal Planing Strategy in Halifax Regional Municipality (called the Regional Plan for short). The Regional Plan is now being reviewed and updated, and the time to request changes is now  (starting March 2020, going until 2024). Below are our Coalition's submissions to the stakeholder and public consultations on the Regional Plan review.

We encourage everyone who cares about Sandy Lake and Sackville River (and nature, and outdoor recreation, and sustainable cities) to send in their own regional plan review submission. You can also talk to city councillors, and candidates running for city council, about your views on a good future for Sandy Lake and Sackville River. The following Coalition groups have already sent in letters supporting the requests made in the Coalition's submission:








Halifax North West Trails Association - letter supporting the Coalition's submission


Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust - letter supporting the Coalition's submission


Nova Scotia Salmon Association - letter supporting the Coalition's submission


St. Margaret’s Bay Area Rails to Trails Association - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Lucasville Greenway Society - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) Nova Scotia - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Halifax Field Naturalists - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Hike Nova Scotia - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Sandy Lake Conservation Association - letter supporting Coalition's submission


St. Margaret's Bay Stewardship Association - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Sackville River Association - letter supporting Coalition's submission


The Neighbourhood Association of Uplands Park - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - NS Chapter - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Trips By Transit - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Our HRM Alliance/ Ecology Action Centre - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association - letter supporting Coalition's submission


Kingswood Ratepayers Association - letter supporting Coalition's submission




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