The Sandy Lake - Sackville River Regional Park Coalition was formed to help protect the land and water that stretches from the Hammonds Plains Road to the Sackville River. We are an alliance of 30 organizations, united under the following mission:
“To preserve and protect over 2,800 acres of wildlife and aquatic habitat surrounding the Sandy Lake - Sackville River area as an expanded Sandy Lake Regional Park for historical, cultural, nature conservation, educational, and recreational uses.”
All of the following organizations officially support the Coalition and want to see the expansion of the Regional Park:
Sandy Lake Conservation Association
Sackville Rivers Association
Agropur Cooperative Dairy Bedford Plant
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment - Nova Scotia Chapter
Canadian Association of Retired Persons -
Nova Scotia Chapter
Canoe/Kayak Nova Scotia
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Nova Scotia Chapter
Cheetahs for Change
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association
Council of Canadians - Halifax Chapter
Ecology Action Centre
Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust
Friends of Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes
Friends of Nature
Friends of McNabs Island Society
Halifax Field Naturalists
Halifax Hares
Halifax North West Trails Association
Kingswood Ratepayers Association
Lucasville Community Association
Lucasville Greenway Society
McIntosh Run Watershed Association
Mountain Bike Halifax
Nature Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Bird Society
Nova Scotia Salmon Association
Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society
St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association
The Neighbourhood Association of Uplands Park
The Turtle Patrol
WRWEO / The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail
Join our Coaltion
Does your organization care about Sandy Lake and Sackville River too? Then please join our Coalition! Contact the Coalition Steering Committee to find out about how to join our efforts, officially.
The Coalition Steering Committee Co-Chairs are Karen Robinson and Walter Regan.